In the not too distant future, the aged Doug enthusiastically undergoes one of the first human genetic age regression experiments. Doesn't quite turn out right, he's stuck in the non-aging body of a 5 yr.old. A fairly annoying person before the experiment, he's now one really precocious brat. Although the girls love the cute little wise guy, he can't do much about it. Anyway, accompanied by his faithful and humorous protector Mutanto, they scour the apocalyptic planet of the future in search of . . .


01-Garbage Dump Rd (Belleville Tnpk).mp3
04-Ivan.mp3 (Ivan Pic)
05-Stephan G.mp3
06-DC Carey.mp3
07-Idiot Robot.mp3
08-Tuned In.mp3
13-Knot Now.mp3
14-River on Fire (Fish House Rd).mp3

Download whole album zipped

These songs were recorded between 1983-90. All compositions, instruments and recording by Doug Szlompek, except DECtalk programming on "Knot Now" by Jeanine Vitale and backup vocal on "Ivan" by
Ivan. Original cover concept by Steve Sullivan. All songs/performances-copyright by Doug Szlompek.